Thursday, April 19, 2012

new weekly sketch

This sketch was anthropomorphic portrait, and I did a tiger general. I could have pushed the value a little darker, and moved the general's badges up away from the bottom of the page. Overall, I think that this was a moderately successful picture. the picture was a little cropped, but nothing important was taken away, just a little of his sleeve was removed.

illustraton comprehensive sketch

Did this sketch in conte crayon on toned paper. The basic idea was to try out the process demonstrated by Donato Giancola in his tutorial "The Mechanic". The basic idea was to take your comprehensive sketch and mount it directly to the board with matt medium. I thought that this sketch came out well. Finally figured out the anatomy on the figure, and instead of the city idea, or towers, I put in an army, which helped get the idea a crossed, with out drawing too much attention away from the main figure. I added the swords because the other students mentioned that it was weird that the warrior was entering a room that wasn't very dangerous looking. So the sword idea came from Jon Foster's illustration of the dog and boy leaping over a pit of spears, and the LDS painting of Captain Moroni and Title of Liberty.