Thursday, May 10, 2012

First few sketches

I also have these first few sketches from the beginning of the semester.
The top one is "organic subject matter" So I sketched a cicada shell I have. However, I pushed it too far to the top and bottom of the page.
The middle one is "people in a public place" I sketched these people in the Applied Tech building donating blood. I was on the second floor looking down on them.
The last picture is my portrait of Tom Cruise as a cowboy. I took a scene from "The Last Samurai", and froze it at this moment, and thought it would make a great portrait. I should have spent more time on it, but I thought the idea was a good one.  I go the idea to take a movie still from

Past work

Here is some past work from the beginning of this semester.

This was the first assignment of the semester. The project was "Back in the Day". The idea was to show what old school arcades felt like to the kids who frequented them. I originally wanted to do a video game machine at first, but the composition just wouldn't work out, so I went with a pinball machine. My inspiration came from Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, and Julie Belle.

final illustration

Here is the final illustration!
I feel that I was successful in pulling off the main idea of the painting, however I feel that I needed at least 100 more hours on this piece.

The above pictures are as following:
TOP: my color sketch for this painting. I put several color swatches together, and tried to see how each color would interact with each other.
Next down: My value rough for this painting. I didn't finish it, because it fifulled it's purpose even though it was unfinished.
Above bottom: This was my initial sketch for the painting. I did it with a 2h pencil, so it's pretty light.
BOTTOM: This is my first comprehensive sketch. My comprehensive sketches were done mostly in line, because I was painting over it anyways, and since I had my rough sketch to guide me through most of the values, so I did a really light comprehensive sketch right on the illustration board.

Sorry for the spots on the picture, my camera's lens needs to be cleaned.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sketch and final project

So, this is my sketch for Opposites. I took inspiration from Yin and Yang ( real original) and tried to do things that were opposite. So I did a forest goddess and cybernetic creatures. I wanted the forest goddess to be kind, so she is "embracing" the cyber creatures, while they are much more aggressive, linking with the trees around her, and downloading data and stuff like that. This was based off of a sketch I had done earlier in life. The material that the robots are made of is similar to the clear material on the robots from the movie I robot, except they are black.

This is also the sketch that I am using for my final project
Some inspiration: from Wangrongrong

H.R. Giger
I robot

weekly sketches

This is my sketch for distill an article or book into a picture. I chose The Dragonsong books by Anne Mccaffrey ( i apologize for any misspelling). This picture is of the main character with the firelizards after she has seen them for the first time. She plays a song that she made up on the spot for the queen firelizard, and she plays the song on a flute she made herself out of a reed.

more sketches

Here are the sketches for our theme assignment. I sketched out two ideas, Urban Space Cowboy, and Aliens Eating Babies. So, the first picture is of my ideas for the aliens eating babies idea. I wanted to do the alien concepts first, so that I could have an idea of what they were before I made the painting. I used it as practice for being a concept artist. The idea behind the aliens was that their whole life cycle would be based around catching babies and storing them in the sac-like stomaches. Then, they could either incubate the babies, making new aliens out of them, or they could digest them. I also thought that babies could refer to women, since baby is a form of endearment. I thought that would be more ethical, anyways.
The second sketch is my character design for the urban space cowboy. I had this idea that the world he lived in would be like Firefly, in the fact that westerns would be blended with Asian language and culture. So I had this crazy idea that he would have a cybernetic arm, which was gifted to him by the Japanese. He would also have a samurai shoulder guard on that arm. I forgot what the characters mean, but the basic idea was that they were describing him as a lone wolf sort of character, who had a troubled past. I wanted the gun to be unique as well, and I have some concepts for that that I might post later.

These are the thumbnail sketches. I was playing around with different compositions and stories.
Settled on this sketch
Then sketched out some concepts for the outlaw robot. I wanted to be sure that it retained the western feel, so I integrated the hat, chaps, and my favorite addition, the giant cigar. THe idea behind that was that there was a respirator that the hat hid, and the respirator took the cigar smoke and pumped it directly into a mask the outlaw wore, so that he only breathed cigar smoke.
This is the rough sketch. I painted it to get the values roughed in quickly. I apologize for my shadow being in the picture.