Thursday, May 10, 2012

final illustration

Here is the final illustration!
I feel that I was successful in pulling off the main idea of the painting, however I feel that I needed at least 100 more hours on this piece.

The above pictures are as following:
TOP: my color sketch for this painting. I put several color swatches together, and tried to see how each color would interact with each other.
Next down: My value rough for this painting. I didn't finish it, because it fifulled it's purpose even though it was unfinished.
Above bottom: This was my initial sketch for the painting. I did it with a 2h pencil, so it's pretty light.
BOTTOM: This is my first comprehensive sketch. My comprehensive sketches were done mostly in line, because I was painting over it anyways, and since I had my rough sketch to guide me through most of the values, so I did a really light comprehensive sketch right on the illustration board.

Sorry for the spots on the picture, my camera's lens needs to be cleaned.

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